Let Your Success Be Their Light!
So many people are suffering needlessly, and are not sure where to turn for help.
Sharing your story of success has the potential to help others overcome the daily
burden of pain, dysfunction, and illness.

We encourage you to help others by sharing your successes, testimonial and comments. Any subject and any area is fair game, if you’ve been helped we want to broadcast your testimonial story.
There are several ways in which you may share your testimonial:
(Your actual name and personal information will, of course, nerver be shared)
- By email: You may email us at [email protected] with your testimonial story and/or comments.
- At the center: You may ask a staff member for a form that you can fill out and return to us at your convenience.
A message from Dr. Ron
From the first few treatments that we ever gave, in the fall of 1982, people have given us a lot of positive feedback. At that time it was considered unprofessional, even unethical, to share patient testimonials in writing with others.
Consequently, I got into the habit of politely and humbly thanking people for their kind words and testimonial offers, but that is as far as it ever went.
I always retold these stories as a way of encouraging other patients – whether it was in person or on my radio show, but I would never have thought of asking people to write them down in the form of a testimonial.
In recent years as the Internet has grown, people often asked me why I didn’t have a place for them to tell their stories and give their testimonial. Well, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks, as you can see from the page you are currently viewing.
I’d like to personally thank you in advance for taking the time to touch the lives of other people in need.
You can share your testimonial with us by using our email address: [email protected] – Thank You
Testimonial Terms of Use
To ensure confidentiality and safety, the following applies to any information submitted.
- All testimonial information is submitted voluntarily.
- No remuneration or consideration of any sort, financial or otherwise, is given or received.
- The actual names of anyone submitting testimonial information will not be published.
- Due to patient privacy regulations (HIPAA), no actual names or any other personal information shall be kept on file by paper or by electronic means that would connect any protected patient information to the testimonial information submitted.
- By submitting information in any form, including, but not limited to written, internet, e-mail, voice mail, Postal Service, radio call-in, etc. you agree to give up all copyrights and furthermore give permission to the owner of this website and any one he and or she designates to use this information in any way that they choose.
Remember, you may also share your information via USPS, e-mail or by phone.
Cherubino Health Center
23 Turnpike Rd.
Southborough, MA 01772
Phone: 508-229-0007
Email: [email protected]
Visit our testimonial page for personal testimonial examples.