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Some of Dr Ron’s Guests on Healthy Conversations Interviews
(click photo to listen)
Healthy Conversations with Dr. Ron Cherubino
Healthy conversations with Dr. Ron is an interview based program that helps the listener gain perspective and insights while benefiting from each guests unique points of view on matters of health and wellness.
A Message from Dr. Ron Cherubino
“You are going to hear varying points of view as you listen to these interviews, read the books and investigate the materials that each guest has to offer. I have been criticized by some for entertaining guests with opinions that conflict with my own. While I appreciate the implied loyalty to my personal opinions and overall advice, it is my sincere desire to see each and every one of our listeners grow in personal knowledge and discernment.
In my 40 years in natural health care I have found that one can never go wrong with an open heart, respectful attitude and a genuine desire to learn from the information and points of view of others. Indeed, learning is a critical part of being alive. I encourage each and every visitor to this website to “live a little” as you listen to “Healthy Conversations with Dr. Ron.”
The Importance of Understanding the Difference between Cause and Effect is Pivotal
by: Dr. Ron Cherubino
One of the most important topics that comes up when discussing alternative and holistic health care is the difference between cause and effect. Consequently, over the years many of the Ask Dr. Ron Show podcasts have dealt with this subject in depth.
In over 30 years in the practice of natural medicine I have found that understanding the underlying cause of a condition can make the difference between success or abject failure.
If you are dealing with a chronic or acute health condition and you are looking to alternative medicine to help, find out all that you can about this concept because it just may be the key to you getting well.
Alternative Medicine from Ask Dr. Ron Radio and Cherubino Health Center
Join Dr Ron Cherubino, co-host Tim Horton and the chiropractic and holistic health specialists of Cherubino Health Center, for an alternative medicine perspective on health and wellness.
Dr. Ron Cherubino and colleagues tell it like it is and don’t pull any punches. Their on a mission to spread valuable holistic health care information to you the listener through these podcasts and interviews.
Whether you are new to the field of natural, holistic and alternative medicine or an old hand, you’ll find something of value in these free audio podcasts.
There are hundreds of podcasts available, spanning 22 years and counting of natural alternative medicine podcasts.
Local and national broadcasts of the Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show have a listening audience that now extends worldwide.
What is Ask Dr Ron Radio?
The Ask Dr. Ron program is a radio show about Natural Healthcare, produced in and broadcast from Boston Massachusetts. It is hosted by Dr. Ron Cherubino.
Dr Ron is a doctor of alternative medicine (AMD) and a chiropractic physician (D.C.) and is considered by many to be one of the nation’s leaders in the natural health-care, Chiropractic, Holistic and Alternative Medicine movements.
Developer of the “Global Medicine” approach to health care, he is a vocal advocate for the inclusion of alternative, integrative and holistic medicine methods and techniques in the world medical system.
Global Medicine
Global medicine takes an international view of health and healing by recognizing that many differing views of disease, healing and health exist worldwide. A thorough knowledge of these differing approaches gives each patient real options when choosing their health care. For example, Western, allopathic medicine would most likely be the choice immediately following a life-threatening automobile accident. A chronic digestive problem, however, might be most effectively and safely resolved by means of a natural, non-pharmaceutical approach.
Integrated Global Medicine
At Cherubino Health Center we have integrated the most effective philosophies, and enhanced the most effective techniques of healing from around the world. Since 1982 we have successfully treated thousands of patients, suffering from a wide variety of conditions.
Consequently, we are able to maintain a world-class natural health-care facility that is of service to the Boston and New England area, across the United States and around the world. At the time of this writing the patient traveling the furthest to be treated at our clinic, 9,000 miles, lives in India.
- To reach those in need with Truth about human health
- To bring Hope through information
- To help listeners Differentiate between symptoms and underlying causes
- To foster Self Empowerment through education
- To provide Exposure to the latest developments in drug free holistic medicine
- To help listeners Discern real science from junk science
- To Share nutritional insights from 40 years of clinical experience through free audio podcasts
- To Direct listeners to resources for immediate help and professional advice
Each show addresses current and pertinent health subjects from a complementary and integrative medicine perspective. Listeners benefit from Dr Ron’s 40 year’s of experience resulting from his helping many thousands of patients live healthy, vital and fulfilling lives.
Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show History
It began in the late 1990s when Boston area based alternative health practitioner, Dr. Ron Cherubino was invited to be interviewed on two local radio stations. Response was excellent and he soon became a once a week regular on WJLT AM. The Ask Dr. Ron segment became The Ask Dr. Ron Show, a call-in talk show which now aired to a growing drive-time audience.
In the spring and summer of 2001 talks began with a New York City-based company to syndicate the show nationally. Dr. Ron often tells the story of how he and Tim Horton finalized their negotiations. “We felt like kids that had been taken to the big city. We kept looking up at the high-rise buildings as we walked on the streets below. We were impressed with the suites of our would-be sponsors. They occupied the 28th floor of a building directly next to the south tower of the World Trade Center. I remember looking out of a window on the 28th floor and not being able to see the top of the tower. I’ll never forget sitting at lunch in the heart of the World Trade Center looking up through the glass ceiling. I could see both towers simultaneously. It was surreal.” The syndication never came about; in reality it was never able to make it past 9/11. The towers went down and so did the relatively little 28 story building directly next door.
The Ask Dr. Ron Show continued to air in the Boston area. More and more people were helped at the Cherubino Health Center and an Ask Dr. Ron website was developed as an additional support for patients and listeners.
In the spring of 2007 the show picked up a broader audience due to podcasting and online streaming. One-on-one telephone consultations with Dr. Ron and other practitioners at the center were implemented in order to better meet the needs of people across the country. The center has also put into action various programs that enable people to travel to the center and receive intensive care treatment which ranges in duration from several days to several weeks. Once the person returns home, consultations and e-mail advice provide ongoing support when needed. The Cherubino Health Center is also able to assist in locating local practitioners when the need arises. Intensive care has been a benefit to people from as close as Rhode Island to as far away as India.
While The Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show remains most focused on helping people in the Boston and New England area, people nationwide tell us that they find the shows informative and entertaining. The mission of the show remains the same, to reach as many hurting people as possible with information that can bring them hope, healing and health.
Meet Your Hosts

Tim Horton
Recipient of the Northeast Country Music Association -1990 Radio Personality Of The Year
– A pioneer in innovative Christian broadcasting, he created winning stations in New York, Florida and Massachusetts
– Licensed and Ordained Minister, Conference Speaker and Bible Teacher
– Instructor at the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Wellesley Hills Massachusetts
– Founder and Pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church
– Founder and Director of the Grace House in Framingham, Massachusetts, a nonprofit ministry that provides hot meals, solace, food and clothing to the area’s needy, homeless and poor
Dr Ron Cherubino
Struck down at age 19 in the midst of a burgeoning music career, Ron Cherubino was rendered helpless by a seemingly minor automobile accident. Thrust into hopelessness, despair and eventual total disability, he emerged as living proof of the value of natural health-care. Dr Ron’s “Incurable Migraine!”

Dr. Ron Cherubino has gone on to become one of the nation’s leaders in the natural health-care movement. Doctor of Alternative Medicine, Chiropractic Physician, Educator, Pioneer, Clinician, Researcher and Vocal Advocate for the inclusion of alternative health care methods and techniques in the world medical system, Dr. Ron challenges each and every person to evaluate the current paradigm of medical science, pharmacology and “accepted” medical procedures, with an intellectually honest and open mind and to have the wherewithal and fortitude to “Adjust Their Thinking” when and where it is appropriate.
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CHC - Quick Access Menu
- Since 1982, Cherubino Health Center has helped many thousands of patients with workable alternatives to the pharmaceutically based system under which we live.
- Our approach is holistic and based on identifying and treating the underlying causes of illness and disease.
- Our work is based on the knowledge that the body is inherently self-regulating and self-healing.
- Our nondrug and nonsurgical treatments, therapies and nutritional support protocols have reliably helped improve the quality of life for our patients.
- Chronic conditions have been mitigated or eliminated, and acute conditions alleviated, as function, health and wellness have been restored.
More detailed information about CHC, our History, Mission and Purpose
- By identifying the underlying causes of a person’s Conditions and Diseases our doctors are able to recommend treatments that are based on individual needs and not symptoms alone.
- Treating people, not simply symptoms, is one of the cornerstones of our holistic health approach.
- As they begin to heal, most people are amazed when their conditions resolve and their symptoms disappear, all without the use of drugs and surgery.
More about specific Diseases, Conditions in the specific types of care we offer
- Our treatment and evaluation methods are time-tested and highly effective.
- All methods are nonforceful, noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical and nonsurgical.
- We are able to use holistic, alternative, and complementary approaches to healing in order to meet the needs of each individual patient.
- At CHC, we have been leading the way since 1982, in progressive Chiropractic, Holistic, Alternative, Complementary, and Functional Medicine.
- The greatest part of this journey has been fueled by the exceptionally high standards that we have set, attained, and maintained for our doctors and practitioners.
Visit our doctors and staff page and “Meet” Our Doctors and Practitioners.
Whether you are new to chiropractic, holistic, functional, alternative, and complementary healthcare, or simply new to Cherubino Health Center, our Patient Center is available to assist you as well as our current patients.
- There is a wealth of information concerning all things holistic on this website.
- For those who have an interest, we encourage you to take advantage of these resources and explore the content.