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(Hidden Negative Health Impacts of Seed Oils)
is Currently Available.
Optimize Your Treatment, Your Health, and Your Life!
This page is provided as a support for:
- Patients of Cherubino Health Center
- Radio show and podcast listeners
- Followers of Cherubino Health Center on social media
- Those people worldwide that are looking for information pertaining to the practice of Chiropractic, Holistic and Alternative Medicine, Therapeutic Nutrition, Toxicity, Inflammatory factors, etc.
We expect that this Information / Member’s Page will remain a work in progress in so much as the information available through this page will constantly be updated.
Whether you’re looking for concise information on a specific topic, or
You are passionate about in-depth subject matter,
We’ve got you covered!
Holistic Medicine and the Communication Age
Since its inception in 1982, Cherubino Health Center has been a leader in holistic medicine, chiropractic and alternative medicine. In the early 1980s there were very few ways to share information with patients.
At Cherubino Health Center, written materials such as brochures were about the only way to handle that. While we still have some brochures and pamphlets today, this Information/Member’s page is a good example of the various ways times have changed.
Here you will find links to audio podcasts, informational videos, blogs, brochures, and pamphlets. Also available are reports on holistic nutrition and links to some of the finest holistic websites and helpful resources that are available on the Internet.
We hope you enjoy these resources and stay in touch with us via email and social media.
Articles – Brochures – Reports
The 4 Whites – Classic Non-Foods
Most people are aware of the dangers of refined sugar.
So why is there a picture of fresh strawberries?
Because all sugars that are not created equal!
The 5 Essential Nutrients
“…supplements in this category are recommended as the basics in a proper nutrition program.” …
Acid Alkaline Balance and It’s Effect on Health and Disease
“To maintain a high level of function, the body is designed to operate with a slightly alkaline pH of 7.35 to 7.45.” …
Acid Alkaline Foods List
“Knowing which foods are Alkaline and which are Acid Producing is the basis of attaining a successful dietary balance of the two.”…

“Is there a causative link between inflammation and disease?”
Glycemic Index Foods Information and List
The Glycemic Index (GI) relates to the way your body’s sugar levels respond to certain types of food. Foods are given a rating from 0 –100 on the glycemic index with glucose in the highest position.
Understanding Your E.M.I. Test Results
“An extensive amount of useful information can be obtained from an EMI (Electro Magnetic Imaging) test graph. While we are not trying to make you an expert at EMI interpretation, we would like you to be able to understand some of the basics as they relate to your individual test results.”
A Vision of the Future
“Jules Verne, Christopher Columbus and Alexander Graham Bell are today considered men of vision…Jules Verne believed that man would someday travel to the moon.”…
Where to Begin with Nutrition
Acid Alkaline Fact Sheet
“Learn the basics of Acid Alkaline Nutrition.” …
The Negative Effects of Eating Seed Oils
Seed oils like canola, soybean, and sunflower oil have become common in many kitchens and in processed foods. They are often advertised as heart-healthy because they are low in saturated fats. However, recent studies reveal that these seed oils can have hidden negative health effects that deserve attention.
This is a great article that was written by Wade Meredith in 2006. It is as appropriate today as it was in 2006.
Considering the sugar and other toxins contained in these “drinks” it can be quite disturbing. It is even more upsetting when one considers how much coca cola and other coke types of sugar drinks are consumed worldwide every minute of every day it.
By the way, even if you take the sugar out as in diet coke and other sugar free drinks, these liquids are still harmful.
Quick Access Menu
- Since 1982, Cherubino Health Center has helped many thousands of patients with workable alternatives to the pharmaceutically based system under which we live.
- Our approach is holistic and based on identifying and treating the underlying causes of illness and disease.
- Our work is based on the knowledge that the body is inherently self-regulating and self-healing.
- Our nondrug and nonsurgical treatments, therapies and nutritional support protocols have reliably helped improve the quality of life for our patients.
- Chronic conditions have been mitigated or eliminated, and acute conditions alleviated, as function, health and wellness have been restored.
More detailed information about CHC, our History, Mission and Purpose
- By identifying the underlying causes of a person’s Conditions and Diseases our doctors are able to recommend treatments that are based on individual needs and not symptoms alone.
- Treating people, not simply symptoms, is one of the cornerstones of our holistic health approach.
- As they begin to heal, most people are amazed when their conditions resolve and their symptoms disappear, all without the use of drugs and surgery.
More about specific Diseases, Conditions in the specific types of care we offer
- Our treatment and evaluation methods are time-tested and highly effective.
- All methods are nonforceful, noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical and nonsurgical.
- We are able to use holistic, alternative, and complementary approaches to healing in order to meet the needs of each individual patient.
- At CHC, we have been leading the way since 1982, in progressive Chiropractic, Holistic, Alternative, Complementary, and Functional Medicine.
- The greatest part of this journey has been fueled by the exceptionally high standards that we have set, attained, and maintained for our doctors and practitioners.
Visit our doctors and staff page and “Meet” Our Doctors and Practitioners.
Whether you are new to chiropractic, holistic, functional, alternative, and complementary healthcare, or simply new to Cherubino Health Center, our Patient Center is available to assist you as well as our current patients.
- There is a wealth of information concerning all things holistic on this website.
- For those who have an interest, we encourage you to take advantage of these resources and explore the content.