Sinus Conditions Podcasts
Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show

These free audio podcasts on sinus conditions are from a Boston broadcast of the Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show.
Dr. Ron Cherubino and cohost Tim Horton discuss chronic and acute sinus conditions from an alternative medicine perspective with emphasis on the anti inflammatory diet plan for these conditions.
The free report that is mentioned in the podcasts, entitled The Anti Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle, is still available and may be obtained by contacting the Cherubino Health Center. The report also includes an anti inflammatory diet food list.
Please visit our companion site for access to more free audio podcasts and much more information on nutrition, anti inflammatory diet, sinus conditions and many other holistic and alternative treatment options.
From dietary standpoint sinus conditions have been shown to respond favorably to anti inflammatory style diets. For the diagnosis of the cause of sinus conditions, and from a treatment standpoint, we routinely recommend investigation through EMI evaluation. In classical Chinese medicine there exists a relationship between the organs of elimination, (liver, kidneys and intestines) and sinus conditions. When dealing with patients suffering from chronic sinus conditions that are also consuming a non anti inflammatory diet, we look for possible NID Nerve Impulse Deficiency.