Anxiety and/or Depression
(Holistic Solutions)
Anxiety and depression can manifest differently, but are both characterized by feelings of uneasiness, worry, panic, dwelling, and sadness.
There are many, many factors that contribute to experiencing anxiety and depression, one of which is inappropriate communication between parts of the brain responsible for regulating mood.
Our goal at CHC’s Brain Center is to re-synchronize those brain areas, while establishing new, more effective communication within the brain in general. It cannot be said that anxiety and depression are only caused by physical nervous system dysfunction, however our therapies have been shown to greatly decrease the severity of symptoms through a physical approach. This approach is best utilized in tandem with holistic mental health counseling focused on addressing any underlying psychological causes.

Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks Podcasts
These podcasts covering the subjects of anxiety, depression, panic and more, are from national and local broadcasts of the Boston-based radio show, Ask Dr. Ron.
Dr. Ron Cherubino and cohost Tim Horton discuss the causes of these conditions and the variety of nondrug therapies that are currently available. Whether you’re trying to reduce or eliminate your current medication regimen or are looking to enhance it with non-drug alternatives, this podcast is for you.
The Physiology of Anxiety and Depression
A Natural Medicine Approach to Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Signs of Depression link: