Immunity and Autoimmune Conditions Podcasts
Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show

In this two part series – Dr Ron and co-host Tim Horton discuss immunity and autoimmune conditions and the help that alternative healthcare has to offer.
Immunity and Alternative Healthcare, Part One
Immunity and Alternative Healthcare, Part Two
For most people, the diagnosis of an autoimmune condition is met with a degree of dread. This is especially true when one considers the way allopathic medicine attempts to control the symptoms associated with these conditions.
The toxic side effects of pharmaceutically based “treatments” coupled with an inherent misunderstanding of the underlying causes of these conditions, is indeed dreadful.
If you are looking at holistic and/or alternative treatment methods to help address an autoimmune condition, then you have come to the right place. Alternative and Holistic medicine, when properly applied, can work wonders by helping your body heal and restore itself.
More about autoimmune conditions from University of NC