Chris Cherubino, DC, ScD, MS
Chris Cherubino holds dual doctorates in chiropractic medicine and medical science, with a concentration in public health. She also has a master’s degree in health infrastructure and learning systems and an undergraduate degree in medical anthropology.
Throughout her career, she has focused on increasing health equity, delivering evidence-based care, and improving health information accessibility.
At CHC, Dr. Chris functions as the managing partner, an advisory role helping to increase logistical efficiency and build stronger healthcare infrastructure for CHC’s providers and patients. When she is not at CHC, Dr. Chris is the US Medical Director for neuromuscular programs at Scholar Rock.
Previously, she was the Medical Director of ARCpoint Labs, where she developed a new program for ordering and reviewing functional medicine and traditional laboratory tests. In all her endeavors, she uses her diverse experience and background to improve health-related outcomes; her hope is to someday change the way that healthcare information is disseminated on a national scale.
CHC Headache Protocol
What is it?
The CHC Headache Protocol is a suite of examination procedures, diagnostic studies, in-office treatments, and home care activities, designed by Dr. Chris Cherubino for moderate-to-severe headache sufferers.
These are people who have a minimum of six to twelve severe headaches each year, and especially those who have other neurological features to their headaches, including nausea, vision disturbances, temporary partial blindness, dizziness, brain fog, eye pain or watering, and/or word salad.

Why have a CHC Headache Protocol?
I became interested in specific, targeted headache care through personal experience. I first began getting migraines during college. These episodes began as optical events, which left me temporarily blind for several hours, and seemed to come out of nowhere.
I lived in fear of an episode that began while driving, which would mean I would have to pull off the road immediately and stay there until it passed. Over time, I discovered more trigger activities/situations, and started to put together a protocol of tracking and self-care.
During the first eight years of my clinical practice, I honed these techniques and constructed a robust package of diagnostics, designed to target the cause of each person’s unique headaches and lead to the most efficient treatment and long-term management protocols.
How do I know if this is for me?
To determine if you’re a good candidate for the CHC Headache Protocol, we’ll complete a thorough examination and records review.
Please prepare for this 45 – 60 minute appointment by gathering any available diagnostic studies (x-ray reports, MRIs, CTs, etc.), laboratory results (routine or specialized), and headache care history (records from other doctors’ offices, or detailed personal timeline/description of headaches).
If possible, please send these items ahead of your first appointment.

What does it mean that you have a wait list?
In order to focus on each patient individually, I am only able to take a small number of new patients at any given time.
We will schedule your initial evaluation as soon as possible, but you may need to wait to actually begin your care. We will be able to give you an estimate of your place in line after your initial assessment.
What does the CHC Headache Protocol treatment plan look like?
For those patients who are good candidates, the protocol begins with specialized laboratory testing. In coordination with ARCpoint Labs of Southborough/Framingham, we’ll run a bespoke group of functional medicine tests, which will identify food or additive sensitivities, micronutrient deficiencies, or other chemical causes of your headaches.
With these results in hand, treatment begins at 3 visits per week, for 4 weeks. During these visits, we’ll be doing in-office care, reviewing homework activities and identifying triggers. Between visits, you’ll need to track symptoms, headache incidence, and any changes. You’ll also be responding to your laboratory results, in a variety of custom ways, which we’ll discuss together.
What’s my responsibility?
Your responsibility is to commit to the program. If you’re a good candidate, I’ll expect you to do all your homework and stick with the treatment schedule. Although there are never guarantees, if your goal is to manage your headaches with prevention and lifestyle, consistency is the key.
What happens after the first four weeks?
Depending on your progress, we may need to do one of three things:
- Taper treatment to maintenance levels (generally 6-12 visits per year)
- Run different/additional laboratory tests
- Discuss additional treatment methods or continued care
The majority of patients are significantly improved after the initial course of care and have learned to avoid triggers/use self-care strategies. For those patients who do not respond to care in a typical way, we will discuss alternative options after the conclusion of the first course of conservative care.
Why are you part of the Brain Center, not the Spine Center?
Headaches are incredibly complex; they result from physiological, chemical, vascular and neurological imbalances. They are also very frequently influenced and perpetuated by psychosocial overlay.
Because I’m interested in treating people holistically, I frequently recommend therapy for headache sufferers. Our staff is prepared to tailor therapy to manage chronic pain and support patients during and beyond their CHC Headache Protocol treatment plan.
Fee Schedule
Initial Assessment – $225
Diagnostic Testing – varies, typically $500 – $1500 in lab fees (paid directly to ARCpoint Labs)
First 12 weeks, treatment and monitoring – $1250
Tapered visits – $95 each