Functional Medicine
Cherubino Health Center

Functional Medicine — A Global Event
Functional medicine by definition concerns itself with the underlying causes of conditions and diseases instead of merely addressing symptoms.
At Cherubino Health Center we have practiced this form of medicine since our inception in 1982.
We have long held the position that “We Treat People Not Conditions”. Another way of saying this is “We Treat Underlying Causes Not Symptoms”.
As you work your way through the information contained in the pages of this website you will see principles, concepts, methodologies, procedures and protocols that are based on concepts that can be defined in a variety of ways.
Changing Terminology
As more and more people become aware of the various holistic, and Functional Medicine healthcare options that are now available worldwide, they respond in a variety of ways. Many have the feeling that they’ve discovered something new, not only for themselves but for the world in general. These people assume that since this information is brand-new to them — it must also be new to other people as well.
What is new about these “new” types of medicine, whether they be functional medicine, holistic, or both, is the terminology. Indeed, people are introduced to cause-based medical approaches under a variety of names. Holistic, natural, functional, integrative, alternative, global, preventive and wellness are all terms that may refer to a cause-based approach to human health care.
Functional Medicine
It’s All In The Approach
What functional medicine encompasses is what all of these types of medicine in their purest and highest form encompass — patient centered care. Each patient is seen as a unique individual with unique needs. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual is recognized and taken into account.
And most of all, this type of health care is concerned with outcomes rather than controlling symptoms. Indeed, it is markedly different than the allopathic chemically-based medical system under which we have lived. It’s Growing, it’s Global and isn’t it Refreshing!
There are a great number of Holistic, and Functional Medicine resources contained within the pages of this website. Here you can learn more about the practitioners we have on staff, as well as detailed explanations of the holistic approach that we currently use at Cherubino Health Center. You will also find written and audio content, including free informational reports, blogs, and podcasts, specifically designed for those wishing to expand their knowledge even further.
Our Information Center Page provides even more information about both holistic and functional medicine particulars for users of this site.