Reading Tutoring
Linda Cherubino, M.Ed
Wilson/Orton-Gillingham Tutor

Mission Statement
- to facilitate and empower new and struggling readers
- to continue to learn the best methods of reading acquisition
- to treat all students with respect
- to acknowledge and honor the tenacity and courage of my students in their specific processes of acquiring reading mastery
Contact Linda:
[email protected]
Office: 508-229-0007
Hourly Fee: $90.00 Hourly Fee: $90 Save 10% – prepay 10 or more = $81/hr.
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Reading Tutoring Intervention
Let’s work together to banish reading dread and enjoy the world of words!
We communicate with our world largely through reading. Reading does not have to be an ordeal! My reading tutoring students have fun not only while learning how to read – or while improving their reading – but also as they learn how to navigate our “information age” in ways that best suit them.
Reading Intervention at Cherubino Health Center is Effective and Fun!
- Every reading tutoring lesson is tailored specifically for each of my students to be exactly what he or she needs to succeed.
- Our individualized lessons are explicit, sequential, cognitive, cumulative, phonics-based, multisensory, and emotionally sound.
- Each reading tutoring lesson is paced to hold the student’s interest; reinforce previous skills; introduce new skills in explicit, small steps; build on strengths; and is completely positive.
- Reading is taught with a minimum of the “exceptions to the rules” that plague so many struggling readers.
- Students learn that English makes a lot more sense than most people know. English is complex but it is actually based on predictable patterns.
- Mastery of reading is achieved because we stay with each new concept until it is assimilated accurately, fluently, and permanently as we continually incorporate previously learned concepts into new learning.

Wilson Reading Program and the Orton-Gillingham Approach
Wilson Reading is a structured, sequential system of reading tutoring, based on Orton-Gillingham and years of research and experience. Wilson Reading tutoring is recommended for students from grades one through adult who need a higher level of reading intervention than is possible in a regular classroom setting.
Orton-Gillingham is an approach to reading acquisition that is well researched and takes the whole child into consideration. Originally taught to doctors, teachers, and therapists at Columbia University and at Mass General Hospital, it is based on the work of Dr. Samuel Orton (who first discovered and studied dyslexia) and Anna Gillingham. Together, they researched and formulated the most effective reading remediation techniques.
The ability to read well is crucial
Reading is a skill that opens the world to us. When a person has to work too hard to read – whether it is frustrating, time-consuming, or even to the point where it is a tormenting ordeal – the world of the reader may seem smaller, harder to navigate, and intimidating.

Reading struggles impact our lives in many ways:
In school – During my student teaching practicum for high school English language arts, I was dismayed by the inadequate reading and writing skills of far too many of my bright, talented students. Since that time, my teaching focus has been to help as many students as I can to be free from the misery of falling behind in subjects in which they would excel were they not struggling to keep up with their academic reading and writing.
In life – Many adults silently suffer the inability to read. This silent epidemic prevents too many creative, intelligent people from pursuing their highest career goals; being part of cultural and political discourse; enjoying reading for its own sake; and confidently communicating personally, in business, and in higher education.
At home – Homeschooling is an educational option that my family and I have embraced wholeheartedly. When children do not readily assimilate reading skills, even with the excellent one-to-one, individualized teaching that learning at home affords, some students may be thwarted in their efforts to read and therefore to pursue their other educational interests.
In addition to tutoring, I am available to talk with homeschool groups and to help parents to efficiently and effectively teach their children to read.
Learning differences don’t have to impede good reading – every person’s brain is unique. Some students are naturally gifted musically, athletically, artistically, or mathematically. Nevertheless, all students can, with good instruction, excel in these areas. This is also true with reading. While about 20% of all students struggle, all students can, with good instruction, excel in this area as well.

Reading Tutoring at Cherubino Health Center Improves Lives!
Reading sparks personal, intellectual and spiritual growth and opens us to the joys of exploring the worlds of literature, the marvels of modern life, and our place in political and cultural discourse.

I have chosen to tutor here at Cherubino Health Center because of the resources that are available to my students. Our doctors utilize functional neurology therapies, with interactive metronome and other modalities in their work with students with a range of learning differences. Dr. Ron Cherubino works with children who are impacted by sensory issues. Dr. Chris Cherubino works with children with chronic ear infections and other conditions that influence hearing and, therefore, reading. Dr. Grace Cherubino works with scoliosis and other conditions that interrupt students’ concentration with pain and discomfort.
If you have questions about reading tutoring, homeschooling talks, or would like more information, please contact us.