Allergies and Holistic Medicine Podcasts
Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show
Boston – New England
These podcasts on allergies and holistic medicine are from local and national broadcasts of the Ask Dr. Ron Radio Show.
Dr. Ron and co-host Tim Horton discuss the connection between allergies and your body’s immune system.
Dr. Ron also shares from his experiences of over three decades of treating patients to help them overcome allergies with holistic medicine and holistic nutrition.
Find out how you can build up your immune system to reduce your allergies and work towards becoming free of allergies.
Allergies, Can Healthy People Have Them?
It’s All about Your Body’s Immune System!
(allergies and holistic medicine)
Holistic Medicine and a New Perspective
For the average person, the information contained on these podcasts is radically different from their current understanding. For the most part, reactions to allergens have been viewed in much the same way that we have been taught to view viruses, bacteria and even parasites. They are seen as invaders and the resulting symptoms as a natural reaction of the body.
Holistic medicine offers a new perspective to this age-old paradigm. Based on the time tested concepts of functional medicine, we find that the function (health) of a person’s immune system will, in large part, determine whether an allergic reaction:
- Is an extreme reaction
- Occurs minimally
- Occurs at all
What to Look for As You Listen to These Recordings
As you listen to these podcasts is best to pay close attention to your reaction to the words healthy, symptomatic and functional. Often times answers are staring us in the face but we react as if they are invisible. This is oftentimes based on an adherence to concepts that we “picked up” over the years and accepted as absolute fact. This way of thinking can act as a serious stumbling block to learning, and what’s more important, utilizing new information in a helpful and productive way.
The Adrenal Connection
The latest information concerning allergic reactions concerns a newly understood involvement of the adrenal glands and nervous system. Learn More