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- Since 1982, Cherubino Health Center has helped many thousands of patients with workable alternatives to the pharmaceutically based system under which we live.
- Our approach is holistic and based on identifying and treating the underlying causes of illness and disease.
- Our work is based on the knowledge that the body is inherently self-regulating and self-healing.
- Our nondrug and nonsurgical treatments, therapies and nutritional support protocols have reliably helped improve the quality of life for our patients.
- Chronic conditions have been mitigated or eliminated, and acute conditions alleviated, as function, health and wellness have been restored.
More detailed information about CHC, our History, Mission and Purpose
- By identifying the underlying causes of a person’s Conditions and Diseases our doctors are able to recommend treatments that are based on individual needs and not symptoms alone.
- Treating people, not simply symptoms, is one of the cornerstones of our holistic health approach.
- As they begin to heal, most people are amazed when their conditions resolve and their symptoms disappear, all without the use of drugs and surgery.
More about specific Diseases, Conditions in the specific types of care we offer
- Our treatment and evaluation methods are time-tested and highly effective.
- All methods are nonforceful, noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical and nonsurgical.
- We are able to use holistic, alternative, and complementary approaches to healing in order to meet the needs of each individual patient.
- At CHC, we have been leading the way since 1982, in progressive Chiropractic, Holistic, Alternative, Complementary, and Functional Medicine.
- The greatest part of this journey has been fueled by the exceptionally high standards that we have set, attained, and maintained for our doctors and practitioners.
Visit our doctors and staff page and “Meet” Our Doctors and Practitioners.
Whether you are new to chiropractic, holistic, functional, alternative, and complementary healthcare, or simply new to Cherubino Health Center, our Patient Center is available to assist you as well as our current patients.
- There is a wealth of information concerning all things holistic on this website.
- For those who have an interest, we encourage you to take advantage of these resources and explore the content.
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
I had heard your podcast the day your co-host rubbed the “Best Pain Oil” on his finger joint and shortly received relief.
I received my order of the oil just in time because I’d been experiencing RA pain in my shoulder together with pain and soreness from bone-on-bone knee Osteoarthritis.
I was at work when I first rubbed the oil into my shoulder and knee.
After the 2nd application I completely forgot about it because my shoulder pain totally disappeared and it quickly quieted my knee pain. God bless you!
Delores C. – VA
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Chris)
With only three weeks and a half-dozen visits to the Cherubino Health Center, it might seem premature to label a review of my treatment as “successful.” BUT, after this brief time, a chronic back pain I’ve had for years has greatly subsided.
I feel stronger each day and very hopeful that this trend will continue – for me an “ongoing success” – life is good again.
If you live within commuting range of the Cherubino Health Center and need healing of any kind, I highly recommend a visit. Dr. Chris is an amazing doctor and the staff is very helpful and friendly.
Their website is terrific. The podcasts, articles and reports have provided a wealth of information and a needed learning resource for me.
If you live out of the area, utilizing this website to the max would be a wise decision.
Bob C. — Massachusetts
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
I am headache free!
If this can work for me, it can probably work for anyone. After 10 years of having terrible headaches every few days, I haven’t had a single headache in over six months. Listening to the Ask Dr. Ron Show and receiving treatment should be mandatory for all headache sufferers.
– Anne M., MA
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
I have had sleep problems for many years but recently they had accelerated to a level that I could no longer live with. My wife had been going to Dr. Ron for her back problems and has been successfully treated. She encouraged me to see him for my problem. After only 2 visits I now fall asleep within five minutes of my head hitting the pillow and get the most solid night’s sleep I have had in years.
Who knew he could help a sleeping disorder?
Howard — MA
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
“Why do I call him last instead of first???”
I am writing to share with you, the great help Dr. Cherubino has been to me personally and also to my family.
Success#1 — After my first visit with him he shared with me some basic principles of the immune system and how it works. Well to make a long story short with his guidance and nutritional advice, after only a few short months, I was drug free and the yeast was under control by the workings of my own immune system!
Success#2+ — Over the years, being now in my late forties, He has been there to address a variety of other health issues, always seeming to bring help when the mainstream medical prevailing wisdom has failed.
Success#3 — Most recently … he was able to identify a growing health concern with my then twelve-year-old son who had chronic reflux. He has treated him successfully and my son no longer has any problems eating nor stomach pain or nausea!! He is now 15 and nearing six feet! Thanks again to Dr. Ron.
So if you have a problem that isn’t going away see Dr. Ron… I only wonder to myself, why do I call him last instead of first???
N.G. – Massachusetts
Full Letter“Why do I call him last instead of first???”
I am writing to share with you, the great help Dr. Cherubino has been to me personally and also to my family.
Success#1 — I first met Dr.Ron when I was in my late twenties. I had suffered for many years with chronic systemic yeast infection, causing me much suffering. I’d been to medical doctors for years and had tried many different drugs with very little effect or help. I was extremely reticent to veer down another false path to healing as I had already tried a variety of natural remedies, also to no avail.
When I finally made the decision to visit Dr. C. I had little hope of a cure. After my first visit with him he shared with me some basic principles of the immune system and how it works. Well to make a long story short with his guidance and nutritional advice, after only a few short months, I was drug free and the yeast was under control by the workings of my own immune system!
Success#2 — Over the years, being now in my late forties, He has been there to address a variety of other health issues, always seeming to bring help when the mainstream medical prevailing wisdom has failed.
Success#3 — Most recently he was able to identify a growing health concern with my then twelve-year-old son who had chronic reflux. He was not growing, as he should, mainly because he was often nauseated and had chronic stomach pain and was not eating much. He was throwing up his food often and was missing almost two days of school a week.
Once again I first went to a variety of M.D.’s testing for food allergies etc. and then moved on to more invasive testing with a very good gastroenterologist. I was told that he had excess acid and he was given Prilosec. Sure enough he could eat again!!! And had gained several pounds and an inch within the six week period he was on the drug.
However, as soon as he went off the drug he was sick once again. Only then did it even occur to me to contact Dr. Ron about my son. Once again he found the problem almost immediately, connecting a mild scoliosis with nerve irritation, which was causing the overproduction of acid in my son’s digestive tract.
He has treated him successfully and my son no longer has any problems eating nor stomach pain or nausea!! He is now 15 and nearing six feet! Thanks again to Dr. Ron.
So if you have a problem that isn’t going away see Dr. Ron… I only wonder to myself, why do I call him last instead of first???
N.G. – Massachusetts
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
My kids love the Chewable Bears!
I can’t believe that I ever gave them those sugary junk vitamins from the grocery store.
Never again!
– T.C., MA
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
My doctor told me that I would have to live with my sciatic pain.
I didn’t believe that there was any help even when a friend told me about Dr. Ron.
Less than 20 treatments and I am completely pain-free. I’m now a believer.
– Joseph R., NH
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
Thanks so much for being so kind to take the time to answer my sinus question. I will definitely try your suggestion regarding the WaterPik with nasal attachment. Although I live about 1 1/2 hours from your office, I will definitely consider making an appointment with you when the need arises. Your advice here and on the radio, as well as your dedicated commitment to natural approaches for disease prevention and curing make you a rare find!
Thanks again and God bless!
– S.Z. – Listener ADR Radio Show
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
Over twenty years ago, simply by suggesting that I remove dairy from my life, you changed my life and saved me from very radical surgery. Believe me, I think about you often.
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
Awesome!!! Previously I was having difficulty finding what I was looking for even after listening to your podcasts. By the way, thanks for providing the learning experience while painting our pool and our restaurant dining room. I have learned so much about how to keep my energy level up and to grow young while getting my work done. I am an inn keeper and work 24/7. I love everything I do as long as I am able and healthy. Thanks for your help:)
– A.F. VT – Podcast Listener
Testimonial for Dr. Cherubino (Dr. Ron)
This is an excerpt from a letter that was given to me (Dr. Cherubino, Dr. Ron) by a patient who used to suffer from chronic lower back pain and loss of control of both legs. She asked me to give it to another patient that she heard talking in the waiting room.
S.P., Ashland MA – Cherubino Health Center patient
Full LetterThis is a copy of a letter that was written on June 1, 2009 by a patient of the Cherubino Health Center. It was presented to me (Dr. Ron Cherubino) the following day with the instructions that I should read it over and if I thought that it was appropriate I should give it to another patient that the author had specified.
“On my last visit in the waiting area, I heard your conversation. When I heard your symptoms I really wanted to interrupt because seven or eight years ago I had similar symptoms, except worse.
Going back to the beginning days of my back problems and my seeing a chiropractor would be about 33 years now. I was told I had two missing disks.
This chiropractor treated me for about 25 years. For most of those years it got me through and helped control the pain. At the end of my time with him with my condition getting worse, he told me there was nothing more he could do. He told me to learn to live with it.
One day after getting something out of the trunk of my car I went to turn around. The top half of me turned but my feet never moved. After that I always had a problem with my hip.
As time went on I could barely move my legs. They felt like concrete. After sitting for even a minute or two it took a lot of effort for me to get my legs to move. I moved like a 90 year old and I was in my 50s.
I remember pulling into my parking space one night wondering if I would be able to walk to my door. I felt I would be permanently in a wheelchair very soon.
I asked God for help. It was the next morning when I heard Dr. Ron on a Christian radio program. He was not just talking he was describing my condition. I was amazed because I’ve never talked to anyone who had my problem.
I called and spoke with Dr. Ron and made an appointment to come in and talk with him. Remember how I fell over? My legs didn’t get the message or have the electrical power to move them. (Dr. Ron can explain it better)
I think that day Dr. Ron said I need (I think) 23 or 24 treatments to get this under control. Actually I think I ended up needing more.
I was worried about the money but God has provided. I also would pay for the 10 visits and would get two free, which helped.
Not knowing Dr. Ron and being told I needed so many treatments I was skeptical, but I did feel I could trust him. I was right.
Like you to this day I don’t know how the gentle touching works, I only know it does. The other chiropractor forcibly crunched my bones and snapped my neck. On occasion the treatment caused more pain than I had when I went in.
Sometimes over the years due to shoveling snow or other abuse I’d cause my body, my back would go out. With Dr. Ron’s treatments I get better.
I’m a slow learner. I just realized (by reading a book) that these treatments help more than my back. Dr. Ron explained this years ago but I really didn’t get it. These treatments help the whole body.
Dr. Ron was the answer to my prayer and let’s face it when God recommends someone he has to be good!! Keep seeing Dr. Ron. Trust him. You won’t regret it!! God bless you!”
S.P., Ashland MA –