Our center offers a multidisciplinary approach to chiropractic, holistic, and alternative medicine.
More About CHC
If you are looking for a Chiropractor (D.C.) or a Doctor of Alternative Medicine (A.M.D.), you have come to the right place. Located just outside of Boston Massachusetts, in the Framingham Southborough region of New England, Cherubino Health Center provides Hope, Healing and Health for people of all ages.
- Our whole person, Functional Medicine approach to health care emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself.
- We provide effective alternative and complementary health care options to the pharmaceutically based system in which we live.
Since 1982, people in the Framingham Metrowest region, needing the care of a Chiropractor, a Holistic or Alternative Medicine Practitioner, have turned to Cherubino Health Center. Many thousands of individuals from across the country and around the world have been helped at our clinic.
Cherubino Health Center clinic provides Alternative, Chiropractic and Holistic health care services with oversight provided by our Chiropractic Physicians and Doctors of Alternative Medicine.
Whether you are looking for help with a chronic or acute health problem, are interested in staying healthy or would simply like to know more about the field of natural holistic health care, we encourage you to investigate this web site and contact us with your questions and comments.
Under the umbrella of Cherubino Health Center you’ll find 3 specialized areas. Each one is designed to address the specific needs of individual patients.
We use the following categories to better focus on each person’s individual needs:
Cherubino Health Center – About Us and Our Mission
feel better, function better, live a healthier happier life
Our goals remain the same; to help people restore and regain their health through natural methods, without the use of drugs or surgery. To these ends we continue to offer individualized treatment to address the specific needs of each patient.
Our hope is that the information contained in these pages is helpful and encouraging, first to our current patients, and then to anyone seeking information about a better way to improve their health without the risks and side effects associated with other types of health-care.
We especially hope to reach those individuals who are desperately looking for answers where up to this point none have been found.
Whether you’ve tried numerous medical or other forms of alternative treatment that have failed, or you are simply looking for a natural holistic approach that works, we welcome you to this site.
Cherubino Health Center – History
Enthusiastic Beginnings in Framingham
We began our practice in 1982 in the Framingham Metrowest region of New England, with a different approach to health-care. Armed with several revolutionary techniques, fueled by the high-energy determination of Chiropractor, Dr. Ron Cherubino our founder, and grounded in a philosophy that the human body was naturally self-healing, we began working with patients.
Nearly ten years earlier, Dr. Cherubino had himself been rescued from the hopeless despair of chronic illness and total disability through the use of nontraditional medicine. (Read Dr. Ron’s story)
Freed from Pain
From the very first patients we treated we saw remarkable results. Initially, most came for pain control looking for the services of a Chiropractor. People were freed from chronic pain, relieved from the need for constant medication, depression was lifted, and migraine headaches disappeared as people were restored to a better state of health.
Many of those first patients came to us as a last resort. They had been told that the conditions they suffered from were incurable, that there was no hope for improvement, and that their conditions would worsen with time.
Others came because they were tired of their dependence on pharmaceuticals and their harmful side effects. They were ready for a change.
Some were leery of procedures that they had been told were useless or even harmful. Most people that came, stayed. The vast majority of those people saw remarkable results. More and more people began to appreciate their Chiropractor and the the value of Holistic and Alternative Medicine.
Hopeful Future
Through the years that have followed, we have continued to learn. We have helped thousands of people restore and maintain their health and overcome the conditions and diseases they came to us with. As we are all aware, times have changed and the acceptance of holistic medicine has grown. And while it remains for most an alternative to ordinary medicine, our successes have continued to mount. We continue to learn and develop new and better techniques and approaches. With them we are able to help our patients achieve better and better results.
Current Scientific Research On Energy
Since the time of the Greeks, two schools of thought have coexisted. Indeed, the debate has raged, at times explosively, between men and women of learning as to whether the truth of existence is based in the School of Atomism or the School of Vitalism.
Since the discovery of quantum physics and its development in the early 1920’s, scientists have struggled with these same concepts of matter versus energy.
Current scientific research is shedding some much-needed light on this age-old debate.
Research conducted by scientists such as Dr. Bruce Lipton is not only uncovering the mysteries of the human cell, but the essence of matter itself. Consequently, we now have a much better understanding of the role that energy plays in the function and creation of the human body.
Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “what we have heretofore referred to as matter is in reality energy.”
The verdict is in. Vitalism has clearly won the debate and science itself has been the judge and jury. We encourage everyone with a thirst for truth and knowledge to further investigate this current research concerning energy and matter.
We recommend that you start by listening to an interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Ron Cherubino by clicking on the microphone icon below.

Healthy Conversations with Dr Ron
Listen to Dr. Ron's Story and find out more about Dr. Ron, our founding member, and what led him to establish Cherubino Health Center.
Our First Center’s Holistic Mission – About Us
by Dr. Ron Cherubino – Clinical Director of Cherubino Health Center
The year was 1982 and I was prepared to take the medical world by storm. Having more enthusiasm than insight, I assumed that the reason traditional doctors weren’t practicing holistically was that they simply hadn’t been exposed to it.
Based on my personal experience with holistic medicine, I envisioned hospitals becoming combination emergency rooms and holistic health centers. Unfortunately, my timing was a few decades off!
New England’s First Holistic Center Of Its Type
Timing issues aside, I did open what turned out to be the first holistic center of its kind in New England, in the town of Framingham Massachusetts in that very year. I physically positioned the center directly next to Framingham Union Hospital. The hospital emergency room was on one side of me and the Framingham Heart Study headquarters was located on the other side. Thanks to a series of one-way streets, you literally couldn’t leave the hospital area without passing by my center.
So there we were, the original Cherubino Health Center, located at 24 Myrtle St., Framingham, Massachusetts, 01701. I thought it was pretty clever positioning myself there and for the next 11 years I utilized that location to the advantage of our many patients as well as the surrounding medical community.
We won over quite a few people but didn’t quite have the world shaking impact I had hoped for. Nevertheless, if you needed a Framingham Chiropractor, we were certainly the place to go.
That notwithstanding, holistic health care principles are now starting to make their way into all branches of medicine both in this country and around the world. My timing might have been off by 40 years or so, but what are a few decades when you’re having fun.
At our new location where Framingham meets Southborough, our clinic offers a wider range of services than ever before. It also supports the dream I had over 40 years ago to create an interdisciplinary environment of health, healing, discussion, and education. We have made substantial progress in the past 40 years. But when it comes to holistic medicine, I am most excited when I imagine how much progress there will be over the next 40.
Links Related To This Page
If you are specifically looking for a Chiropractor in Framingham MetroWest, and are interested in a multidisciplinary holistic approach to treatment and care, please contact us and schedule an initial consultation with one of our practitioners.
While a number of our patients travel from a significant distance to be treated here at CHC, we realize that for others this may not be workable. For those people who are unable to travel to our center for care, we offer Telemedicine consultations by Internet or phone.
Quick Access Site Menu
- Since 1982, Cherubino Health Center has helped many thousands of patients with workable alternatives to the pharmaceutically based system under which we live.
- Our approach is holistic and based on identifying and treating the underlying causes of illness and disease.
- Our work is based on the knowledge that the body is inherently self-regulating and self-healing.
- Our nondrug and nonsurgical treatments, therapies and nutritional support protocols have reliably helped improve the quality of life for our patients.
- Chronic conditions have been mitigated or eliminated, and acute conditions alleviated, as function, health and wellness have been restored.
More detailed information about CHC, our History, Mission and Purpose
- By identifying the underlying causes of a person’s Conditions and Diseases our doctors are able to recommend treatments that are based on individual needs and not symptoms alone.
- Treating people, not simply symptoms, is one of the cornerstones of our holistic health approach.
- As they begin to heal, most people are amazed when their conditions resolve and their symptoms disappear, all without the use of drugs and surgery.
More about specific Diseases, Conditions in the specific types of care we offer
- Our treatment and evaluation methods are time-tested and highly effective.
- All methods are nonforceful, noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical and nonsurgical.
- We are able to use holistic, alternative, and complementary approaches to healing in order to meet the needs of each individual patient.
- At CHC, we have been leading the way since 1982, in progressive Chiropractic, Holistic, Alternative, Complementary, and Functional Medicine.
- The greatest part of this journey has been fueled by the exceptionally high standards that we have set, attained, and maintained for our doctors and practitioners.
Visit our doctors and staff page and “Meet” Our Doctors and Practitioners.
Whether you are new to chiropractic, holistic, functional, alternative, and complementary healthcare, or simply new to Cherubino Health Center, our Patient Center is available to assist you as well as our current patients.
- There is a wealth of information concerning all things holistic on this website.
- For those who have an interest, we encourage you to take advantage of these resources and explore the content.